Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sony Key

We will not releasing the key, because to this day when we encrypt the file. When its run have an error in the sistem, but it install the update.

Brute Force

Can be used to create a .key file for all the keys in the eboot.pbp, the eboot.pbp is not encrypted ther only files that are encrypted are .psp and .psar files.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Memory Stick File Rescue

Click Descargar[Descargar]

Recupera datos borrados de una MemoryStick (Spanish)

Es día de muertos, no podía dejar pasar esta fecha, como dicen “los muertos este día reviven”, entre los muertos también podemos contar todos esos datos que hemos( o nos han borrado) ‘por accidente’ de nuestra MemoryStick, ¿ no?, Aquí el tutorial.Recién pasado mi cumpleaños la tragedia sucedió, borre las mitad de las fotos, asi que recordé que en el papelito que traen las Memory’s dice algo sobre recuperación de datos, lo encontré y mis fotografías están de regreso entre los vivos, Amen.
Pasos para: Revivir archivos de cualquier tipo borrados de una MemoryStick.
-Descárgate el Memory Stick File Rescue, que es la herramienta oficial de Sony que utilizaremos [Descargar]
Nos aparecerá una ventana diciendo no todos los datos son recuperables, le damos a OK.
El programa nos pediré que conectemos la MemoryStick, puede ser por medio de cámaras, PSP o bahías de Sticks, etc.
Una vez hecho le damos a Next
Seleccionamos la MemoryStick de la que queremos recuperar datos, le damos a Next,
Aparecerá otra pantalla con información de la Memory y el tiempo estimado de análisis, da clic en Run
-Esperamos a que termine el Análisis
-Al final nos aparecerá una lista de los archivos recuperables
-Selecciona los archivos que quieras recuperar, trata de hacerlo de una sola vez, o si de plano ,marca todos los archivos para recuperarlos.

Help Needed

If you want to be a member and you are programmer, look in our forums for more information. If you want to contribute with the development of the Sony PSP Fat and Slim register in our forums. This is for all the people who want to join us.

A Great Breaktrouth

The Sony actual encryption key will be released tomorrow!

The two things needed to run signed eboot

1) The Param.SFO Update Version has to be more big than the actual system version.

2) The eboot.pbp has to be signed with a AES 128-bit key. Only Sony have it.

PSP 3.80 Internet Radio Hack

FreePlay has introduced the QJ.Net population to a new hack for PSP FW 3.80. It’s a hack that’ll allow users to bypass the lock of the Internet Radio Player, allowing you to use something other than Shoutcast or Icecast for listening to music.
According to Freeplay, here’s what you have to do:

Set up a DNS server on your PC. Make net point to your PC’s local IP.

Set up a web server.


Edit the files however you want.

Set up a network connection using your PC’s local IP as the primary DNS server.

As you can probably guess, it’s not exactly a newb-friendly hack since you have to set up a web server, so we’re calling on the members of the QJ community to come up with tutorials to help other people learn how to set up this hack. Enjoy!

How to encrypt .pbp files

1) First you need an hex editor program Hex Workshop can do it.

2) Then open the eboot file and edit....

Wait this is coming soon!

We are stock in programming! Need Help

Well we know that sony use Aes 128-bit key encryption. We have to open a eboot.pbp in a hex editor to change the header and look for encrypted bytes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today we discovered that Sony use a especial alghorythm in their eboots.

PSP Firmware 1.50

Hello i will be editing firmware for you!
In this PSP Project, I will be :
a. Finding a way to change your firmware version without a exploit, modchip or etc.

This will be a firmware that you have to run and thats all. Coming Soon!

Next the way how sony encrypted the firmware and how the PSP desencrypted that file.